Our Events

Fostering Entrepreneurship Across Utah
Grow Utah Events
Grow Utah has been organizing and hosting dozens of contests, events, challenges and more each year since 2008. We also work with many partners in co-hosting events that fit our mission and expertise.

Click on the events and programs below to learn more.

Concept to Company Contests

The Concept to Company innovation contests are ongoing startup contests held throughout the state. These contest encourage and support Utah entrepreneurs and hep turn their early-stage innovations into growing companies.

LIFT Outdoor Accelerator

LIFT Outdoor Rec Accelerator is Utah’s first accelerator program dedicated to the innovation and growth of the outdoor rec industry.  Participants get access to capital, mentoring, and other resources to accelerate their outdoor rec startup.

Challenge Events

Grow Utah Challenge Events are startup contests where entrepreneurs solve industry needs.  Think of it as a “switch pitch” where industry players discuss problems they are facing and encourage entrepreneurs to solve them.

Partner Events

There are a lot of startup events across Utah- many more than when we started. Rather than duplicate them, we want to partner with others who are already doing it.  Check out some of the groups we partner with.
Current Events (Contests, Challenges, Accelerators & More)