Are Entrepreneurs Born or Trained?…… A Little of Both


– Grow Utah Ventures Announces the ELITE Entrepreneur Learning Initiative and Lean Startup Training –

SALT LAKE CITY, October 18, 2012 –  Most successful entrepreneurs were certainly born with characteristics that enable them to endure the tough challenges of starting a business. But personality traits alone don’t make all the difference. In fact, more and more, the skills that are required to succeed can be effectively learned through experienced based instruction. The ELITE entrepreneur learning initiative, launched by Grow Utah Ventures today, will begin teaching such instruction to increase an entrepreneur’s success.

As a privately funded non-profit, Grow Utah Ventures has serviced Utah’s economy over the last several years by helping hundreds of entrepreneurs start successful businesses. In effort to accelerate even more entrepreneurial success, Grow Utah Ventures has launched ELITE- the Entrepreneur Learning Initiative for Tomorrow’s Enterprises. “The training emphasis of ELITE is on entrepreneurs learning- not experts lecturing,” said T. Craig Bott, President and CEO Grow Utah. “The carefully selected curriculum and topics that are offered through will provide entrepreneurs with the very best skills and essential knowledge they need to be successful enterprises of tomorrow.”

Based on years of observing successful entrepreneurs, the ELITE curriculum addresses the most critical topics and employs innovative instructional methodologies to help entrepreneurs. Selected entrepreneurs from across all regions of the state will be invited to attend the Elite training. Overall, the objective is to raise the probability of success by increasing the overall ability and skills of the entrepreneurs.

The initial ELITE training course being offered is the “Lean StartUp- Nail It Then Scale It” course. This learning experience prepares entrepreneurs to select market-ready business opportunities that are validated by potential customers and truly meet user needs. Incorporating the latest innovation around launching a lean start-up, this learning course helps entrepreneurs avoid the mistake of chasing a poor business model and focus them on a strategy for success.

“The Lean StartUp- Nail It Scale It training, truly changes how entrepreneurs think about their business,” said Steven Roy one of the training designers. “This training gives entrepreneurs the principles and practical tools to implement the concepts promoted by leading lean start-up authors such as Steve Blank, Eric Ries and Nathan Furr of Brigham Young University. Based on our experience, the entrepreneurs who attend the training are better able to define their business, deliver what is needed and more rapidly achieve sales,” he added.

ELITE has already conducted two sessions of the “Lean StartUp – Nail It Then Scale It” course to entrepreneurs in the St. George and Cedar City region. These well-received and highly successful sessions will be followed by two more sessions that are scheduled in the immediate future:

Nov 9- at the NorthFront Business Resource Center in Kaysville, Utah

Nov 28- as a part of the Pushbutton Digital Media Summit

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