Product Startup Accelerator
Spring 2022 CohortThe Spring 2022 RAMP Accelerator was a 10-week startup program for product innovators targeting a range of markets such as: outdoor recreation, medical devices, consumer products and more. Due to COVID, most sessions were held virtually, however RAMP still included intensive mentoring, training, and interactive learning experience with business mentors, advanced materials experts, manufacturing professionals, 3D print specialists and more who each helped the companies improve further their success.
Spring 2022 Cohort – Selected Companies
Bonneville Boatworks
Bonneville Boatworks is a new Utah-based company that is pioneering the design and manufacturing of beautiful, high performance, carbon/composite, zero emission electric power boats. Created by Geoff Hurwitch and Buster Pike, the goal is to create a fully-capable powerboat that is pollution free, noise-free and hassle-free. www.bonnevilleboatworks.com/
MagTrax is a magnetic, modular, marble track that can be built on any wall in hundreds of different track variations. Kids of all ages can now build marble race tracks in a clutter-free space that is off the floor and out of the way. It fosters creativity and engineering in children and adults. magtrax.co/
FLP is a unique flip-flop that encourages self-expression through interchangeable straps. Premium leather, rugged flip-flops can be customized within seconds to match any style. These eco-friendly sandals encourage sustainability by allowing design customization withouth purchasing new sandals. FLP Kickstarter page