Utah Startup Accelerator for Product Innovations
Spring 2024 Cohort
The Spring 2024 RAMP Accelerator was a 10-week startup program for product innovators targeting a range of markets such as: outdoor recreation, medical devices, consumer products and more. RAMP training consisted of intensive mentoring, training, and interactive learning experience with business mentors, advanced materials experts, manufacturing professionals, 3D print specialists and more who each helped the companies perfect and improve their innovations.
Spring 2024 Cohort – Selected Companies
Series 1 Ski Sock by Entry Skis
Developed by physicians and professional skiers, the Series 1 ski sock and shin pad is a game changer. The unique design allows large impacts to be distributed to the right places. No more shin-bang, heightened control and increased blood-flow allow the skier to perform to their max while staying comfortable. www.EntrySkis.com
Measure Once Cut Once
MOCO is revolutionizing the way measurements are taken and utilized by carpenters. Their patented system features a state-of-the-art digital tape measure that accurately records lengths with the touch of a button. This measurement is sent wirelessly to their advanced miter saw stand, where a robotic production stop moves automatically to the exact measurement for a fully accurate cut. This speeds up production and eliminates costly lumber wastage. www.measureoncecutonce.com
Robot Tools
Robot Tools by Savage Automation builds the end of arm tooling for robots (the hand of the robot). Their products are designed specifically for customer applications and are lighter, faster and simpler than competitors. They use 3D printing to manufacture our products with internal channels for air and electrical lines that makes them easy to understand and set up and use. Because they are 3D printed they run faster and cause less robot wear. Their average lead times are 5-6 weeks. www.SavageAM.com
SandBar is revolutionizing callus care. Our products are meticulously designed to keep your calluses working for you, not against you. Think of us like a toothbrush – but for your calluses. Simple, effective, and a bit rebellious. SandBar products optimize your calloused skin. www.sandbarcalluscare.com
Skategrounds is a wearable device for skateboarders that detects and scores their tricks. Our platform tracks key stats and automatically delivers them to the skater’s mobile phone. By tracking simple things like number of pushes or distance traveled we motivate people to skate more by gamifying these basic metrics for skateboarders of all skill levels. This helps them become better skaters all around and makes more efficient use of their training time. https://skategrounds.ai/
Snowboard Pole by Caroline Murphy & Evan Didisheim
The snowboard pole is the first snowboard-specific pole to be used on the slopes of ski resorts. Our unique pole design provides beginner snowboarders with increased balance on the slopes, a reduced risk of injury, and a boost to push through sections of flat terrain. The snowboard pole makes learning how to snowboard less daunting.
Past Cohorts